We were trying to keep it a secret from Pete, but Portia spilled the beans.
Interrogated separately and asked to spill the beans on the other.
OK, enough of these riddles! Would you guys spill the beans?
Or if you spill the beans?
The cast won't spill the beans on details just yet.
Bagman didn't seem in any particular rush to spill the beans, though.
Are you good at keeping secrets, or do you spill the beans right away?
So, spilling the beans at home or in a store would not be good.
因此在家里或是商店洒豆子(spill the beans)是一种不好行为。
When you spill the beans, you share or make public secret information.
For example, letting the cat out of the bag means the same as spilling the beans.
," let the cat out of the bag((意中)泄露秘密)" 和" spil the beans(泄露秘密)" 是一个意思。
I haven't told anyone that except Ann Marie. Did she spill the beans to you? !
" Spill" from the expression " Spill the beans" but we just say " spill" because it's cuter.
Spill 来自短语 spill the beans,但我们只说 spill,因为那样更可爱。
Blab is another word meaning " to spill the beans" . Blab is not the nicest word, however.
" blab" 是另一个意思是" 泄露秘密" 单词,但它不是一个褒义词。
The expression " spill the beans" has been a part of the English language for hundreds of years.
" spill the beans" 这个表达作为英语一部分已经有数百年了。
Gone, the reliable butler, discreet and serious, and in his place, the journalist... spilling the beans on everyone he knows.
谨慎严肃可靠管家不见了,而是变成了一个记者… … 把熟人事情一一爆料。
Blabber mouths are known for often spilling the beans and for letting more than a few cats out of the bag.
" 多嘴人" 经常泄露秘密是出了名,而且泄露许多秘密。
OK, let's recap the vocabulary we've learned from this programme starting with the idiom spill the beans meaning to reveal a secret.
好,让我们回顾一下从这个节目中学到词汇,从成语“spill the beans”开始,意思是“泄露秘密”。
" To spill the beans" - to let out a secret.
“泄露秘密” ——泄露秘密。
Sorry, spilled the beans. So how did this happen?
对不起, 漏了豆子。那么这是怎么发生呢?
So, what does: " Spill the beans" means?
那么,“洒豆子” 是什么意思呢?
So, Stephen is saying that he did not spill the beans.